Accelerating Learning
Electricity Canada is uniquely positioned to provide a foundational education course that provides the fundamentals for those who work in the energy sector. Our industry is experiencing rapid growth with the influx of renewables, change in consumer behaviours and rapidly evolving emissions targets from the Government. This specially designed course, while energy agnostic, will help Canadians understand the importance of the electricity sector on the path to a Net Zero future.
Electricity Fundamentals in Canada (EFiC) is a unique post-secondary level course that provides a high level, cross cutting overview of the entire industry, ranging from nomenclature, technologies, issues, challenges, and the future. The content ranges from a discussion of atoms, electrons, kWh’s, and kW’s, through additional topics such as generation, renewables, transmission, distribution, power marketers, the customer, conservation, beyond the meter, how utilities are paid, the regulatory structure in Canada, how electrons flow across North America, the role of Electricity Canada, NERC, FERC, and much more.

The course is available in both English and French, is computer based, Mobile Device Friendly, modular, self-paced, and runs on an online Learning Management System in a “see it, do it, know it” format, complete with testing and scoring. Following the completion of several modules, students can print their EFiC Certificate of Completion. EFiC can be completed within a day or over time.
EFiC will be of interest to everyone working in Canada’s electricity system, including electric utilities, service providers, and vendors along with all levels of government, regulators, indigenous communities, educational Institutions, electricians, and individuals with a general interest in electricity.
Prepared in layman’s terms and with no prerequisite study required, EFiC provides all the tools necessary to provide a comprehensive overview of how the electricity system in Canada works.
To hear more of the EFiC story, listen to Episode SO4 Episode 62 of the Flux Capacitor Podcast here -

EFiC Includes:
- Online, bilingual, 24/7 access – learn at any time, from anyplace
- Over 65 hours of learning
- 5 hours of self-paced core content
- Plus - over 60 additional hours of content through several “To Learn More” links to associated videos, websites, articles, and podcasts providing opportunities for further education as desired
- 9 Modules covering 165 topics in a fun, interactive and informative format under the following headings:
- Introduction to Electricity Fundamentals
- Generation - Where it All Starts
- Transmission - The Long Haul
- Distribution – Delivering to and Service the Customer
- The Meter and Beyond
- The Customer
- Industry Focus Areas
- The Industry
- The Future
- 18 knowledge checks throughout
- Key Takeaways, Testing and Scoring within each module
- 139-page downloadable EFiC Student Manual/Handbook for future reference
- Downloadable Glossary of Terms
- Certificate of Completion
Course tuition is $200 plus applicable taxes.
Volume discounts are available.
Topics of Study
Among other topics, EFiC will cover:
- What electricity is
- How electricity is made and from which source
- How electricity got its start in Canada
- The differences between renewable and non-renewable energy including pros and cons of each
- How electricity gets from where it is made to where it needs to go
- The role of sag, swing, and gallop
- What transformers and substations are and the roles they play
- What a smart grid is
- The difference between Metering, Smart Metering, Net Metering and Sub Metering
- Which lines are the electricity lines
- What causes electricity outages
- What the terms SAIDI, SAIFI, CAIDI, CEMI and FEMI mean and why they are important
- What SCADA, GIS, CIS, and OMS refers to and the roles that each play
- What customers are expecting
- What PIPEDA is and why is it important
- About Indigenous Community, Health & Safety, Cyber and Physical security focus areas
- How are utilities paid
- The difference between Operating and Capital expenses
- How utilities are regulated and who the regulators are
- Who the industry players in Canada are and what their roles are
- The roles that Electricity Canada, NERC, FERC, and others play
- About electricity trade between Canada and the USA
- What Decarbonization, Decentralization, Democratization and Digitization mean and why these themes are important
- What Net Zero 2050 means and the electricity sector’s role
- What the future holds
Premier Sponsors

Standard Sponsors

Founding Members
Alectra Utilities, ATCO, City of Medicine Hat, Fortis Alberta, Fortis BC, Fortis Inc., Heartland Generation, Manitoba Hydro, Maritime Electric, Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro, NB Power, Rio Tinto, Saint John Energy, Saskatoon Light & Power, SaskPower, Toronto Hydro
Founding Corporate Partners
ComplyTech, Domino HighVoltage, Hexagon Safety and Infrastructure, KPMG, MNP, Tantalus, RS Technologies Inc.