2019 / Distribution

Smart Energy - NRCAN Smart Grid Demonstration Project

Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) Smart Grid Pilot is an advanced demand response project looking to leverage Artificial Intelligence to reduce the peak.

The NRCan Smart Grid initiative is aiming to demonstrate that weather forecasting and other relevant data can be correlated with the utility load shape such that system peaks and valleys can be accurately predicted in advance.

The project also utilizes several Distributed Energy Resources (DERS) that will help reduce system peak and greenhouse gas emissions.


  • Develop monthly system peak prediction and resource scheduling via artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • Reduce the provincial system peak load and associated demand charges for Saint John Energy
  • Leverage both residential, commercial, and
    utility assets – share benefits with end consumers
  • Reduce GHGs – benefits the provincial grid
  • Develop export potential – Integrated System Manager (AI) could be leveraged by other utilities
  • Establish the foundation for an innovation centre
    in Saint John with post secondary institutions

Coordinating a group of distributed energy resources to reinforce the grid serves as a true “win-win” proposition for customers and utilities alike.


Grid Intelligence

Toronto Hydro Corporation

Network System Monitoring & Control