In partnership with the Ontario Energy Board (OEB), London Hydro was the first Local Distribution Company to implement a customer engagement program that combines quick ramp-up critical peak demand response events and ‘behind the meter’ energy management tools that help customers understand energy impacts in real time, powered by Green Button.

The Trickl mobile app was developed to upgrade the existing customer engagement to a personalized level. It consolidates in-home device control and energy monitoring, energy efficiency advice and demand response.
This program was implemented for approximately 1,600 participants which were divided into three observation groups.
The first group focuses on impact and behavioral deviations study of digitally engaged customers in relation to real time energy consumption information availability.

For the second and third group, we combined the real-time and demand response capabilities to determine whether a pricing incentive consisting of a short duration quick ramp Critical Peak Price in combination with a discounted off peak rate, provides sufficient motivation for customers to agree to short duration automated load control activities.
The very positive results showed that over 85% of participating customers actively participated in the automated demand response events with an average of 4 event overrides per event. The Interim report illustrates great customer engagement; 5% on-peak energy savings and 3% mid-peak energy savings were achieved by the customers in the summer period (first 6 months of the program).
This program was implemented for approximately 1,600 participants which were divided into three observation groups.