A First Nations community in Northern Ontario has suffered from historically poor reliability. This is the result of a very long radial supply from the upstream transmission and distribution systems. The nature of the supply to the community limits the viable options available to improve the community’s reliability.

Historically, only 1% of all outages affecting the community occurred within the community itself.
As a result, the community is an ideal candidate to have its reliability improved through the installation of an islanding Battery Energy Storage System (BESS).

This project will install a 1.5MW / 3MWh BESS on the feeder supplying the First Nations community, allowing it to be islanded and supplied via the BESS during an upstream supply outage.
The BESS will greatly improve reliability to this First Nations community. The anticipated improvement based on outage history and forecasted community energy requirements is greater than 60%.
As this will be the first Hydro One owned BESS, this project will lay the groundwork for other such installations on Hydro One’s system. There are over 80 First Nations communities and numerous others with poor reliability that could benefit from a BESS.
This project will install a 1.5MW / 3MWh BESS on the feeder.