Leading Electric Vehicle Dealership Award

Accepting applications for the 2024 Leading Electric Vehicle Dealership Award. Please apply by July 24, 2024.

Awarded to Canadian car dealerships excelling in the sale and promotion of new fully electric or plug-in hybrid electric cars powered entirely or in part by Canada’s clean and reliable electricity

Past Recipients


Fleet Zero - Naeem Farooqui

Apply for this Award

Accepting applications for the 2024 Leading Electric Vehicle Dealership Award.
Please apply by July 24, 2024.

Personal Information

Company Information

Sales Volume (20% of Score)

A measure of your dealership’s overall EV sales volume. This category will be evaluated using a combination of total sales and any other efforts your dealership has made to encourage EV sales. You are not required to submit actual sales numbers, but we do ask for a percentage of EV sales compared to all sales.

Number of 2023 electric vehicle sales as a percentage of actual sales (est.)
Percentage increase or decrease of electric vehicle sales in 2023 compared to 2022.
If applicable, please indicate any additional efforts your dealership has made to encourage electric vehicle sales.

Marketing (20% of Score)

A measure of your dealership’s overall EV marketing efforts. This category takes into consideration the quality and success of any marketing efforts pertaining to your EV products and services.

Estimated impressions from electric vehicle marketing campaigns.
Estimated impressions from social media electric vehicle marketing campaigns (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.)
Estimated impressions from walk-by / drive-by electric vehicle marketing campaigns (billboards, posters, etc.)
Estimated impressions from website electric vehicle marketing campaigns.
Estimated impressions from direct mail electric vehicle marketing campaigns (print newspaper ads, flyers, etc.)
Estimated impressions from any other types of electric vehicle marketing campaigns.
Please specify what other types of electric vehicle campaigns your dealership ran.
Drag and drop files here or click to upload
    Please upload more information about your dealership’s electric vehicle marketing efforts This could include descriptions of your campaigns, marketing material samples, success metrics, etc. Only PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF files are supported.

    Community Involvement (20% of Score)

    A measure of how active your dealership is in your community by promoting and encouraging EVs as a transportation option, including events and community sponsorships.

    Estimated number of events that your dealership participated in that included an electric vehicle component. This can include in-person and/or virtual events.
    Estimated number of impressions from events that included an electric vehicle component.
    Please provide additional information on your dealership’s community involvement efforts as they relate to your electric vehicle products. This could include community sponsorships, a list of events your dealership participated in, in-kind contributions made to other organizations, etc.

    Staff Training (20% of Score)

    A measure of how diligent your dealership is at training sales staff on your EV products to ensure an informed sales experience for potential buyers, including training programs, available resources and the capabilities of your service department.

    Estimated percentage of maintenance staff that are trained to service electric vehicles.
    Estimated percentage of sales staff that are trained to market/sell electric vehicles.
    Please indicate any additional information related to your dealership’s electric vehicle training efforts. This could include the frequency of product orientations, a description of resources your staff have access to, above and beyond efforts your dealership has made to ensure staff are informed about electric vehicles, etc.

    On-Site EV Visibility & Inventory (20% of Score)

    A measure of how visible your EV products are on the show floor, including the availability of EV products for test drives, on-site inventory and the presence/quality of EV displays. This category takes into consideration year-over-year changes to demonstrate growth.

    Estimated number of days in 2023 that your dealership had access to on-site electric vehicle inventory.
    Please provide an overview of any efforts taken by your dealership to ensure electric vehicle products are visible. This could include their location on the lot in a showroom, the variety of trims/colors on site, the presence of demo changing stations, etc.


    Drag and drop files here or click to upload
      If you have supplementary material you wish to submit, please do so here. Only JPEG, PNG, PDF files are supported.
      I hereby declare that the information contained in this application is factual and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that knowingly providing false information will lead to an immediate disqualification from the 2024 EV Awards and will disqualify my organization from applying to the EV Awards in the future. I acknowledge and agree that Plug’n Drive and Electricity Canada may make further inquiries to verify the accuracy of the information provided.