Statement on the Canada Electricity Advisory Council’s report, Powering Canada: A blueprint for success

Ottawa (June 10) - Electricity Canada fully supports the Canada Electricity Advisory Council’s final report, Powering Canada: A blueprint for success. The report thoughtfully and methodically examines the big shifts that need to happen in order for the electricity sector to achieve its medium and long-term goals. The report also expertly describes the dual challenges our industry faces: to decarbonize and grow capacity at the same time.

Among the important points made in Powering Canada include:

  • 80% of Canadians live in provinces or territories where emissions-free renewables or nuclear power generates nearly all their electricity, accounting for 90% or more. However, anyone living in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia and Nunavut will have electricity generated with less than 40% of non-emitting resources.
  • Electricity will power the reduction of emissions in industry, housing and transportation. Because of this, electricity will be responsible for reducing more emissions than it makes. Expanding system reliability and affordability is the priority.
  • Canada ranks the second worst among 38 OECD countries in terms of obtaining a construction permit. Electricity generation needs to grow at a pace three times as fast as in recent decades.
  • Canadians could see lower energy-related costs from electrification – with the important caveat “if executed well.”
  • The potential for intra-provincial transmission, which can enhance reliability, is largely untapped.
  • There are huge opportunities to accelerate growth in clean electricity while benefitting Indigenous communities.

We endorse the recommendations of Powering Canada, particularly its recommendations for a faster, more efficient build-out. Electricity Canada further agrees this starts with championing the reform of Clean Electricity Project Approvals.

Powering Canada aligns with recommendations made by Electricity Canada in its 2023 and 2024 State of the Canadian Electricity Reports Build it and Getting to Yes. As we noted in our 2024 report, electricity providers in Canada have a great deal to accomplish to meet our net zero goals, but electricity providers often face a culture of “no” when it comes to regulators and different levels of government. As Powering Canada states, without the collaboration of all parties, we will fail.

The Electricity Advisory Council is to be applauded for coming up with a simple, cogent plan that, if followed, could get us closer to net zero. We look forward to working with government and other partners to implement this. The intention to create a Clean Electricity Strategy, announced by the government last summer, is a crucial next step to achieving this.

  • Francis Bradley, President and CEO, Electricity Canada