Toronto – July 17, 2018 - Redline Communications (www.rdlcom.com) Group Inc. (TSX: RDL), a leading provider of Private LTE networks, announced today that it has become a Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) corporate partner.
Redline recognizes the role its suite of industrial-grade products and services play in enabling transition within the electricity generation and distribution environment. The commitment to join CEA as a corporate partner is another example of Redline’s ambitious electrical utility market strategy.
“As a Canadian, publicly traded company, Redline is committed to sustainable practices. Our products transform client businesses by providing private, secure and reliable wireless networks. We deliver Smart Grid readiness, with industry experts in Generation, Transmission & Distribution entities across Canada,” said Redline CEO, Robert Williams. “By joining CEA’s extensive membership community, Redline will gain valuable industry insight through collaboration with utilities and industry thought leaders nationally,” said Mr. Williams.
“The electricity grid is undergoing continuous and substantial transformation. The network infrastructure that supports it is no different. For this reason, CEA is pleased to welcome Redline Communications, a Canadian manufacturer of industrial-grade, Private LTE intraturn. Redline’s innovative solutions will help our members renew, build and secure Canada’s electricity infrastructure and contribute to a better, greener, smarter energy future for all Canadians,” said Sergio Marchi, President and CEO, Canadian Electricity Association.
About the Canadian Electricity Association
Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) is the national voice of electricity in Canada. Its members generate, transmit and distribute electrical energy to industrial, commercial, residential and institutional customers across Canada every day. From vertically integrated electric utilities, independent power producers, transmission and distribution companies, to power marketers, to the manufacturers and suppliers of materials, technology and services that keep the industry running smoothly -- all are represented by this national industry association. For more information visit electricity.ca.
Redline Communications is the industry leader in building private wide-area wireless networks designed for the most challenging applications and locations. Redline networks are used worldwide by energy companies to manage their assets, mining companies for above ground and below ground communications, militaries for secure battlefield communications, municipalities for remotely monitoring highways, and other infrastructures, and telecom service providers to deliver premium services. Redline’s powerful and versatile networks reliably and securely deliver voice, data, machine-to-machine (M2M), Internet of Things (IoT) and video communications.