Powering a Continental Clean Energy and Environment Agreement

Washington, D.C. – April 19, 2016 Today, in support of the Government of Canada’s pursuit of a new continental agreement on clean energy and the environment, the Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) released a paper entitled, The North American Grid: Powering Cooperation on Clean Energy & the Environment.It provides a roadmap to leveraging our integrated electricity system, as a foundation for expanded collaboration between Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

“The next chapter in our continental energy story is being written,” said the Honourable Sergio Marchi, CEA’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “And what an exciting story it can be, as the further integration of the North American electricity sector -- of which Canada is already one of the world’s cleanest providers -- can position all three countries to help meet today’s challenges and seize tomorrow’s opportunities.”

Released in conjunction with CEA’s Washington Policy Forum – an annual gathering of CEA Board members to discuss cross-border electricity with key U.S. policy-makers – the paper offers ten critical recommendations:

  1. Increase trade in clean electricity
  2. Promote the electrification of transportation
  3. Streamline permitting processes for cross-border transmission projects
  4. Pursue joint innovation and research and development projects
  5. Support clean electrification in remote and Indigenous communities
  6. Coordinate carbon pricing mechanisms
  7. Examine climate adaptation risks and practices
  8. Enhance electric grid security and reliability
  9. Collaborate on energy information
  10. Ensure meaningful consultation with industry

“There is an incredible opportunity for Canada, the U.S. and Mexico to leverage the inherent advantages in our continental electricity system as a cost effective enabler of clean energy solutions for our customers,” said Scott Thon, President and Chief Executive Officer of AltaLink, and Chair of the CEA Board. “We look forward to collaborating with our partners in all three countries – especially in the lead-up to this year’s North American Leaders’ Summit in Canada – on charting a new path towards low-carbon innovation and achieving a more sustainable, prosperous future for all citizens across North America.”