NJ Governor Chris Christie Proclaims December 5 as Canadian Utility Appreciation Day

TORONTO, Ontario - December 5, 2014. Earlier today during a keynote speech at an event in Toronto, visiting New Jersey Governor Chris Christie signed a proclamation declaring December 5, 2014 as “Canadian Utility Appreciation Day” and thanked Canadian electric and natural gas utilities for their assistance in Superstorm Sandy recovery efforts in 2012.

Governor Christie is in Canada this week as part of a foreign trade mission, and today’s event hosted by Choose New Jersey was intended to promote economic growth in the state, with a specific emphasis on energy.

The “Canadian Utility Appreciation Day” proclamation thanked six Canadian electric utilities – Hydro One, Hydro Ottawa, Toronto Hydro, Entegrus, Erie Thames Powerlines, Essex Power – and three natural gas companies “for their compassion, generosity and dedication during a time of crisis and uncertainty for the communities and residents of New Jersey” and formally recognized “all those Canadian utilities engaged in emergency response and recovery efforts in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy.”

Superstorm Sandy made landfall in New Jersey on October 29, 2012 and caused severe damage across the U.S. northeast, including flooding and widespread loss of electricity. As Canadian cities were spared more severe impacts, Canadian electric utilities and contractors dispatched crews to multiple U.S. states, including New Jersey, to assist with the restoration of power to thousands of customers.

In total, over 800 workers from dozens of utilities across Canada participated in recovery efforts, assisting communities in New Jersey, New York, and throughout New England. These crews brought their expertise in power line repair and forestry services south of the border pursuant to mutual assistance agreements with U.S. utilities.

“The critical practice of Canadian and U.S. utilities providing reciprocal support in the event of major power outages stretches back decades,” said Jim R. Burpee, President and CEO of the Canadian Electricity Association. “The response to Superstorm Sandy from across North America was truly extraordinary. Canadians should take great pride in the exemplary dedication displayed by utility crews from across the country, who didn’t hesitate to come to the assistance of our American friends in their time of need.”

The Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) was one of three Canadian trade groups also recognized at today’s event. Throughout the post-Sandy restoration period, CEA President and CEO Jim R. Burpee participated in daily teleconference briefings with key U.S. utility leaders and government officials. Mr. Burpee also participated in later debriefs with senior U.S. officials – including President Obama – to discuss lessons learned from the recovery. Based on these lessons learned, CEA has established a National Mutual Assistance Working Group to promote further collaboration and share best practices across the industry, and to develop a pan-Canadian mutual assistance framework.

“It is a great honour for CEA to be among those organizations recognized by Governor Christie,” said Burpee. “We look forward to continue strengthening the legacy of Canadians and Americans offering mutual aid during severe emergencies.”

Click here to read the full Canadian Utility Workers Appreciation Day Proclamation.