June is National Electricity Month in Canada

OTTAWA, Ontario - May 30, 2014. As the national voice of the electricity industry in Canada, the Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) has designated June as National Electricity Month for the second consecutive year. In communities all across the country, CEA member utilities will be opening the doors of their facilities to the public, offering tours and answering questions about how the electricity system works.

Electricity is the backbone of the Canadian economy – it powers everything from household appliances to medical technology, smart phones, computers, to bank machines, businesses, and stores. By allowing consumers to see how the system works first-hand, CEA hopes to foster a national conversation on the value of electricity, stimulating and informing the discussion about the choices that need to be made today if Canada is to maintain a reliable, affordable, and sustainable electricity grid.

“National Electricity Month is an excellent opportunity for Canadians to learn more about an essential system that is often taken for granted” said Jim Burpee, President and CEO of the Canadian Electricity Association. “We believe that it is important for Canadians to consider all that goes into generating, transmitting and distributing electricity, so that they can make informed decisions, and join the national energy conversation.”

Some of the electric utilities that have activities planned for National Electricity Month include:

  • AltaLink
  • BC Hydro and Power Authority
  • Capital Power Corporation
  • ENMAX Corporation
  • FortisAlberta Inc.
  • Manitoba Hydro
  • Nalcor Energy
  • New Brunswick Power Holding Company
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  • Horizon Utilities Corporation
  • Hydro Ottawa Holding Inc.
  • Saint John Energy
  • SaskPower
  • Yukon Energy Corporation

For a full, regularly updated list of National Electricity Month participants and events, please visit www.powerforthefuture.ca.