Electricity Canada awards electricity companies for occupational health and safety excellence

Toronto (November 26) Electricity company leaders in occupational health and safety best practices were awarded the President’s Award for Safety Excellence at Electricity Canada’s Powering Partnerships event in downtown Toronto.

For more than 30 years, Electricity Canada has tracked and monitored the safety records of its members annually, and the data collected provides key insights in how to prevent and reduce workplace incidents in the future.

The award recipients have demonstrated the least number of injuries or no injuries at all in 2023, based on the following metrics: Total Recordable Injury Frequency (TRIF) and All Injury/Illness Frequency and Lost-Time Injury Severity Rates.

These companies have demonstrated that they have invested in their safety management systems, have a proactive health and safety culture, and ultimately prioritize employee well-being.

The following electricity companies were recognized for excellence for the past year (grouped by the number of Full-Time Equivalent Employees (FTEs) Per Business Unit) in the areas of distribution, transmission and generation. Please see below for the list of this year’s winners.

Group 1-1500+ Employees

Generation - OPG

Transmission - Hydro One

Distribution- ENMAX

Group 2 - 300-1500 Employees

Generation- Newfoundland Power

Transmission - AltaLink

Distribution - Toronto Hydro

Group 3 - 1-300 Employees

Generation - Atura Power

Transmission- Maritime Electric

Distribution- Yukon Energy


“Electricity Canada members prioritize gathering data, sharing stories and improving occupational health and safety procedures simply because it is the right thing to do. Electric utilities are dedicated to ensuring the safety of the grid for employees, customers and everyone in between. Today, we are proud to recognize our members who value and are committed to health and safety culture in our industry.”

– Francis Bradley, President and CEO, Electricity Canada