Canadian Electricity Association Pleased by NDP’s Commitment to Electric Vehicles, Clean Energy, and Energy Efficiency

OTTAWA, Ontario - October 2, 2015. The Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) was encouraged to see today’s announcement by the New Democratic Party (NDP) of policies in support of electric vehicle integration, clean energy infrastructure, and energy efficiency.

“I welcome this NDP proposal which addresses some of Canada’s most significant energy and electricity challenges,” said the Hon. Sergio Marchi, President and CEO of CEA. “In particular, targets for electric vehicles in the federal fleet, which CEA has been calling for, is one more step in the right direction. Coupled with a Green Bonds initiative, and new programming in support of clean energy projects and energy efficiency programming, these proposals will enrich the election’s energy debate.”

Innovation and the renewal of Canada’s electricity infrastructure are key priorities for CEA. The NDP proposals address both issues and incent adoption of the technologies that will shape the future of Canada’s electricity system as highlighted in CEA’s recent report Electric Utility Innovation: Toward Vision 2050.

CEA is encouraged by the meaningful debate taking place on electricity innovation and needed investment in infrastructure. This discussion could not be more timely considering the Conference Board of Canada is estimating that $350 Billion will need to be invested in upgrading electricity infrastructure during the next 20 years.