Canadian Electricity Association Encouraged By New Democratic Party’s Pledge for Clean Electricity in Canada’s North

OTTAWA, Ontario - October 1, 2015. The Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) was pleased to see Wednesday’s announcement from the New Democratic Party (NDP), which commits funds for investments in alternative and green energies to 25 northern and remote communities.

“I welcome Mr. Mulcair’s announcement, which brings much-needed attention to one of Canada’s most significant energy challenges – access to affordable, clean power in Canada’s North.” said the Hon. Sergio Marchi, President and CEO of CEA. “CEA members, particularly those in the North, are actively engaged in this issue, and we look forward to additional details from the NDP.”

While hydro remains the largest source of electricity generation in Canada’s North, many remote communities – and all of Nunavut – rely on diesel power, an expensive and carbon-intensive source of electricity. Natural Resources Canada estimates that over 300 remote communities in Canada depend on diesel generators for electricity.

CEA recently participated in a related study on how to renew infrastructure in the North undertaken by the Senate Energy Committee. The committee’s report, Powering Canada’s Territories, contains several positive recommendations, including a call for enhanced federal government support for infrastructure investments in Canada’s North.

CEA encourages further discussion on investments in electricity infrastructure in Canada’s North from all parties during the election campaign, and welcomes an animated dialogue on a national energy strategy, which must include the integral component of electricity.