This 508 km transmission line, running from Wabamun Alta, to Fort McMurray will provide essential electricity, greater reliability, and enhance the transmission system to meet growing demands in northern Alberta.
This project is the longest 500-kV AC transmission line in Canada and was ranked among the top 50 infrastructure projects in Canada.

Innovative Engineering Design:
APL designed and is utilizing fit-for-purpose guyed V towers instead of conventional transmission towers to build many sections of the Fort McMurray West 500 kV Transmission Project. The new design decreases construction time for each structure and reduces overall material and construction costs of the project.
Strengthening the grid through partnerships:
APL held more than 3,000 face-to-face meetings, engaging with people in an open and transparent manner and incorporating the feedback into route and construction plans. APL also undertook extensive consultation with Indigenous communities and engaged them as active participants in the project through significant contracts.
Protecting the Caribou:
APL is committed to the protection of the Woodland Caribou, which is a threatened species important to Alberta’s biodiversity and plays a central role in the cultures and histories of Indigenous communities near the project.
This project is the longest 500-kV AC transmission line in Canada and was ranked among the top 50 infrastructure projects in Canada.