Maintaining biodiversity is essential to maintaining a healthy environment. Electricity Canada members are committed to practicing responsible stewardship of the environment, including on fish, wildlife, and plant species. This involves:
- Avoiding negative impacts, and encouraging positive impacts on the environment and species where possible
- Reducing and mitigating negative impacts where unavoidable
- Offsetting negative impacts through the creation of new habitat and through repopulation efforts.
- Electricity Canada’s Bird Beneficial Management Practice (BMP) Guide helps electricity companies minimize impacts on migratory birds, their nests and eggs near electricity projects and infrastructure.
- The BMP Guide identifies factors that may affect the risk of incidental take, including environmental setting and project constraints
- The guide compiles existing beneficial practices utilized by Electricity Canada members to manage potential interactions with birds and their habitats
- The guide makes mitigation recommendations to avoid, minimize and compensate for the risk of incidental take, including timing restrictions, setback distances, and methods for identifying active and inactive bird nests.