Current Affairs

Current Affairs is Electricity’s Canada monthly newsletter featuring advocacy efforts, member success stories and news regarding the industry.

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Issue 50 - February 2023

Indigenous Initiatives Report "Taking Action: Collaborating with Indigenous Communities"

Current Affairs recently interviewed Channa Perera, Vice President, Regulatory and Indigenous Affairs about the latest edition of Electricity Canada’s member Indigenous engagement publication, “Taking Action: Collaborating with Indigenous Communities”.

Hi Channa. Taking Action starts by saying that Indigenous inclusion within the electricity sector has grown in the past few years. Is there a particular area that excites you in this regard?

As much as I’d like to pick one area of growth, each of the four pillars and initiatives listed in the report – education/training, employment, business partnerships and capacity building – excite me because they all contribute in their own unique way to advancing reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. There has been a significant growth in the engagement and inclusion of Indigenous Peoples over the last decade. I am very encouraged by the ingenuity of the member initiatives aimed at enriching Indigenous communities and advancing reconciliation.

Member initiatives listed in this report is a response to Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)’s Calls to Action. What are some of the ways the electricity sector have meaningfully engaged with the TRC’s Calls to Action?

Just to offer some context, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission called on the corporate sector to step-up their action on Indigenous consultations, build meaningful relationships, provide equitable employment and training, and advance education of management and staff on Indigenous history. The TRC has really given the sector a clear focus and I am very much heartened by the response of our members.

We’re making significant progress on issues related to cultural awareness training, as well as support for Indigenous education, training and employment; establishing equity and other forms of economic partnerships, including procurement contracts; and building local Indigenous capacity so they can engage with us as equal partners.

Canada is committed to making its electricity grid net zero by 2035. What is the role of engagement with Indigenous Peoples in achieving this goal?

Successfully meeting Canada’s net zero goals is an arduous challenge to begin with, but without meaningful Indigenous engagement-especially consultation and benefits-sharing-this will be an impossible task to achieve. We need to continue to invest in initiatives to raise awareness of Indigenous cultural values and ways of decision-making, education, training and employment. Most importantly, we need to make efforts to enable their full economic participation through access to capital. We’re off to a good start, but make no mistake, governments and industry have a lot of work to do to enable full Indigenous economic participation in Canada’s net zero transition.

What is the main thing you want readers to take away from this report?

The key takeaway from this report is that the electricity industry is taking demonstrable action to advance Indigenous reconciliation in Canada. I hope this report can inform and inspire companies, both inside the electricity industry and outside of it, to take meaningful action to advance reconciliation so that we can contribute to a more inclusive and just society.

Other stories

  • Electricity Canada hosts Electrifying the Future: Innovative Solutions to Support the Clean Grid with industry leaders at GLOBExCHANGE
  • Electricity Canada Meetings (Members Only)
  • Episode 070: Pollster Greg Lyle’s View of the Evolving Customer
  • Electricity Canada and The Smart Grid Innovation Network Canada Strengthen Ties
  • Electric Power Research Institute and Electricity Canada enter into a mutual agreement to collaborate in addressing climate change and related energy issues
  • Accelerating Learning - Electricity Fundamentals in Canada (EFiC)
  • Francis Bradley speaks to CanREA and the Energy Council of Canada
  • Electricity Canada participates in the Transition Accelerators new project Electrifying Canada
  • Electricity Canada Presents: DataBytes
  • Electricity Canada is gearing up to launch our updated Centre of Excellence focussing on net zero
  • Electricity Canada responds to EV charging consultation
  • Electricity Canada welcomes three new Corporate Partners
  • Reliability and Resiliency Award applications are now open
  • Women in Electricity Award applications are now open
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Issue 49 - February 2023

Electricity Canada presents the Women in Electricity Award

In collaboration with Women of Powerline Technicians (Women of PLT), Electricity Canada is launching a new award recognizing leaders within our member companies that are making a tangible difference in creating an environment that will help advance women in the electricity sector.

This award celebrates an individual or team from an Electricity Canada member company for advancing women in utility organizational structures, processes, and inclusionary outcomes that result in more women working in member companies across Canada.

The Canadian electricity sector, like many other economic sectors in Canada, is working diligently to advance equity, diversity, and inclusion (ED&I). Electricity Canada has been recognizing the important work and dedication that our member companies have demonstrated over the years in creating, fostering, and advancing inclusive workforces. In December 2020, Electricity Canada released a Board-approved, industry-wide collective commitment to accelerating ED&I in the electricity industry and has been working closely with members on new initiatives, advancements, and recognizing the people who are paving the way.

Award nominations are open until February 28th 2023, and can be submitted as a self-nomination, by a colleague, or by another Electricity Canada member.

Criteria for Nominees:

  • Open to all Electricity Canada members in good standing.
  • Nominee has demonstrated clear leadership, commitment, and positive impact in advancing women in Canada’s electricity sector.
  • Nominee has demonstrated a consistent track record of championing women in their organizations, leading to clear improvements regarding ED&I in their companies.
  • The winner will be announced during Electricity Canada's 2023 Labour Relations Symposium.

Other stories

  • Critical Electricity Equipment Support for Ukraine
  • Electricity Canada Appears Before the Federal Court of Appeal
  • Ontario Mutual Assistance Program activated
  • President and CEO Francis Bradley addresses the GIEDCO Forum
  • A look at past DataBytes: The Reliability Connection.
  • Francis Bradley joins OMICRON panel
  • Ontario's largest electricity utilities warn customers of scams
  • Powering Past Coal at Capital Power's Genesee Generating Station
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Issue 48 - December 2022

Rethink, Reimagine, and Renew: Our Energy Future – Electricity Canada’s Annual Powering Partnerships Summit

As a sector, we are facing climate targets that will not be met if we continue to rely on historical approaches and traditional solutions. In order to achieve a net zero electricity grid by 2035 and a net zero economy by 2050, we will need to rethink and reimagine the future of electricity in Canada.

On November 23, 2022, Electricity Canada hosted our annual Powering Partnerships Summit, which brought together energy experts, innovators, and leaders to help us Rethink, Reimagine and Renew our energy future.

Monica Gattinger, Chair of Positive Energy at the University of Ottawa, Rob Lister, President and CEO of Oakville Enterprises Corporation and Andrea Roszell, Director at Guidehouse joined our first panel to share their insights and ideas on how business is changing to meet the demands of the future and what is required for us to ensure a net zero tomorrow.

We will also need to renew our relationships with Indigenous Communities, government, and leaders from across all sectors, to reach our goals and meet our timelines.

Jesse McCormick from the First Nations Major Projects Coalition, Tabatha Bull from the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business, Guy Lonechild from the First Nations Power Authority and Brian Schmidt from Tamarack Valley Energy, joined Manitoba Hydro's President and CEO Jay Grewal, to share what works and what doesn’t and talked about new approaches and recommendations. Renewing these relationships will help to improve our electricity systems today, while safeguarding the prosperity, health, and well-being of generations tomorrow.

The Summit concluded with a live recording of top Canadian political podcast, “The Herle Burly,” featuring discussions on electrification and decarbonization with Shawn McCarthy from Sussex Strategy, Jason Dion from the Canadian Climate Institute and Greg Lyle from Innovative Research Group. The conversation is available here.

Other stories

  • Electricity Canada at COP27
  • Fall Economic Statement
  • Measurement Canada addresses supply chain challenges impacting the electricity and natural gas delivery industries
  • Expanding the Investment Tax Credits
  • House of Commons Standing Committee on International Trade Appearance
  • Second Draft of Excessive Interest and Financing Expenses Limitation (EIFEL) Legislation released
  • A new U.S. Congress in 2023
  • How 38-year-old rules on electricity sales hold back Canada's next generation of EV chargers
  • Electricity Canada mentioned in the the Federal Government's National Adaptation Strategy
  • Electricity Canada released the 2021 Sustainable Electricity Report
  • Electricity Canada's annual Awards Ceremony
  • Electricity Canada Presents: DataBytes
  • Electricity Fundamentals in Canada – Accelerating Learning
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Issue 47 - December 2022

Electricity. For the Future.

Electricity plays an important role in getting Canada to net zero emissions and reducing the impacts of climate change.

With that in mind, Electricity Canada is happy to announce the launch of a new section on our website, dedicated to educating the public on the basics of net zero, and the role of electricity in the collective fight against climate change.

This new resource explains net zero in simple terms using a video, an infographic, a timeline of the past, present, and future of climate change legislation, a tour of our
members' (Canadian electricity companies) projects and more!

The release of our new website tab coincides with the launch of Electricity Canada’s Fall Net Zero advertising campaign. This consumer-focused campaign continues to build on the messaging that Electricity

Canada members are leading our country’s efforts to tackle climate change, with the new tagline: “Electricity. For the Future.”
Learn more at

Other stories

  • Electricity Canada Voices Its Concerns Over Nova Scotia Bill 212
  • Electricity Canada Submits Pre-Budget Recommendations
  • Securing Our Energy Future Event
  • Power Marketers Council in Washington, DC
  • Clean Electricity Regulations (CER)
  • Fisheries, migratory birds and invasive species
  • Joint Open Letter to the Prime Minister and Provincial and Territorial Premiers
  • Electricity Canada meets with Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA)
  • Electricity Canada joins the Net Zero Advisory Body Roundtable on Regulatory Innovation
  • Francis Bradley Provides Keynote Presentation to the Ottawa Economics Association
  • Francis Bradley Provides Keynote Presentation to the UTC Power Grid Digitalization Forum
  • Electricity Canada talks Interest deductibility limit
  • Electricity Canada welcomes new Corporate Partner: Awesense
  • Electricity Canada Presents: DataBytes
  • Ottawa loans Ontario Power Generation almost $1B to build Canada's first SMR at Darlington
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Issue 46 - October 2022

"In an emergency, it's all hands on deck"

We expect the worst when hurricane season comes, but even then, the devastation caused by tropical storm Fiona far exceeded even those expectations. The storm hit the east coast with heavy rain and winds of over 170 km/h that left hundreds of thousands across the Atlantic provinces without power, $300 to $700 million worth of insured losses to the local economy, several injured, and a few dead. It has been also estimated that infrastructure restoration could take months.

Fiona also hit the electricity grid hard. At least 500,000 customers throughout the Altantic provinces had no power.

Since then, power has largely been restored to the majority of affected customers thanks, in part, to the North Atlantic Mutual Assistance Group (NAMAG). This group works to connect electricity providers needing help repairing their grid with neighboring utilities that can spare personnel and resources.

As of last week, Nova Scotia Power received assistance from electricity providers in Canada and the U.S. including:

Versant Power: a supervisor, 15 line workers and two mechanics from Bangor, Maine
Central Maine Power: Sixteen two-person crews along with 10 additional support personnel are heading north with 14 bucket trucks and two digger trucks
Hydro Ottawa: 15 power line technicians, a crew supervisor, safety partner, fleet mechanic, and 10 vehicles, including five bucket trucks and two radial boom derricks
“When an emergency occurs, it's all hands on deck,” said Electricity Canada President and CEO Francis Bradley in a recent interview with POLITICO. “It doesn't matter where you are, we send crews to wherever they're needed in those emergencies.”

Other stories

  • Electricity Canada appears in Parliamentary committee
  • Electricity Canada appears at Senate committee
  • Francis Bradley participates in an Energy Transition panel
  • Ottawa looks to push provinces to modernize electricity grids
  • Electricity Human Resources Canada’s Agents of Change 2022 is fast approaching!
  • Smart Grid Innovation Network's Energy Innovation Forum
  • Electricity Canada Publishes a Framework for Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
  • Global electricity leaders call to action
  • Hydro One launches industry-leading 50-50 equity model with First Nations
  • Electricity Canada Presents: DataBytes
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Issue 45 - October 2022

Electricity Canada submits feedback on Clean Electricity Regulations.

On August 22nd, Electricity Canada submitted feedback to Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) on the proposed Clean Electricity Regulations (CER) – formerly called Clean Electricity Standard. Aside from their goal of a clean, affordable, and reliable grid, the Department released few details about the proposed regulation.

We do know that the rules will require some fossil-fueled electricity generating units to install carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) by 2035, or will otherwise shut down. Exactly how ECCC will define which units will be subject to those rules is still not clear.

Since the last comment period on the CER in April 2022, ECCC has indicated that it will exempt all non-grid connected generation – a recommendation submitted by Electricity Canada.

The Department has also indicated that it is aware of the need for natural gas generation for reliability purposes, and that the regulation will be focused on high-emitting use cases and would continue to allow for applications such as units with low utilization that help to respond to high demand periods.

With the draft regulations coming before the end of 2022, there is likely less than a month remaining before departmental staff begin their approval processes. The shortened time frame may lead to more significant changes between the publication of the draft regulations in Canada Gazette 1 this year, and the final regulations in Canada Gazette 2 sometime in 2023.

For more information, please contact Jay Wilson at

Other stories

  • Electricity Canada Submits Comments to Public Safety Canada
  • 'Electricity Fundamentals in Canada' Student Enrolment Surpasses 1,000!
  • Electricity Canada President and CEO delivers remarks to the Conference Board of Canada
  • Electricity Canada releases the annual report on distribution system performance for electric utilities
  • North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Summer Board Meeting
  • Significant U.S. Funding for Clean Energy
  • Canada-Germany Hydrogen Announcement
  • Electricity Canada welcomes two new Corporate Partners
  • Annual Alberta Power Symposium
  • Electricity Canada Presents: DataBytes
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